Archive for September, 2007

Sep 27


You will learn.

Judgment: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
Jank: Rez HD (XBLA) and Tax Free Tuesday (Star Package Liquor Store)
Quote: “It took me about 30 seconds to become an iPhone Douche.”



Visit for links to vote and donate.

– Lucas

LINK: BDPE-Episode38.mp3″

Blam.The next time you kids bitch about show notes, page
I’m going to take a DUKE in your mouths. Also this week, Final Fantasy 7 ported to the NES for the ultimate j-pop rpg crapfest, there’s terrorists in my World of Warcraft base, killing my liberty, and Take Two says “NO DICE” to EA buyout.

Judgment: Ace Combat 6 (360) and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)
Jank: I swear it dosen’t suck, Shadowrun (360)
Quote: “He’s probably ******** this sentence coming out of my mouth right now”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

Blam.The next time you kids bitch about show notes, neurosurgeon
I’m going to take a DUKE in your mouths. Also this week, Final Fantasy 7 ported to the NES for the ultimate j-pop rpg crapfest, there’s terrorists in my World of Warcraft base, killing my liberty, and Take Two says “NO DICE” to EA buyout.

Judgment: Ace Combat 6 (360) and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)
Jank: I swear it dosen’t suck, Shadowrun (360)
Quote: “He’s probably ******** this sentence coming out of my mouth right now”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

LINK: BDPE-Episode37.mp3″

Too sexy for his shirt.This week’s show is a little different – we talk of the STATE OF BDPE. So warm up your fingers to fire off those whiney emails! We also break down a few of the week’s top stories. While this a ‘mini-show’ of sorts, cure
fear not, medicine
as we’ll be back later this week with another full length show!

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

LINK: BDPE-Episode36.mp3″

visit this site
AMERICA.” width=”202″ height=”300″ />We’re back with a new show just in time for Christmas! This week we’ve got Jeff Gerstmann Lynched by Kane, pilule
Itagaki ALLEGEDLY cleared of rape charges, check Blactivision formed, and the DUKE rides again.

Judgment: Rock Band (360 / PS3), Geometry Wars Galaxies (DS / Wii), Burnout Paradise Demo (360 / PS3), Contra 4 (DS).
Jank: Guitar Hero 3 and Toorock shirts
Quote: “Oh man, I forgot how much fun this is”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

LINK: BDPE-Episode33.mp3″

This week BDPE’s got a very special guest! Andre Meadows, infertility
who some of you may know from his “Buy me a Wii” YouTube video, treat
talks to us about his love of games, try
comedy, and his experiences as a black nerd.

Also this week, Jack Thompson announces himself keynote speaker at GDC, the ESRB says Manhunt 2’s rating will stand despite it sucking really bad, and Guitar Hero 3 makes Activision enough money to license a good set list next time – oooh, burn!

Judgment: Guitar Hero 3 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2)
Jank: Lost Planet Collector’s Edition
Quote: “I’m inviting him to MLK Day”

Check out Andre’s website and videos over at:

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

LINK: BDPE-Episode32.mp3″

Delicious.BDPE goes retro with a more classic show style – and tight leather pants. Also this week, seek
Bungie tells Microsoft “K BAI”, this
Bionic Commando swings back into action (lol, gamespot headline), and NEW STREET FIGHT.

Judgment: Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS) , The Orange Box (360 / PC)
Jank: Q? Entertainment XBLA Bonanza
Quote: “We won’t have a department of defense, we’ll have a department of FIGHT”


Visit for links to vote and donate.

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

LINK: BDPE-Episode31.mp3″

I want these two things to become one thing. Oven. Activate.In an effort to continuously refine our heat until it’s a glimmering pirate chest full of gold, viagra sale
we want to try something new for episode 30.

We did some talking about the show tonight and how we think it could be improved. Some want shorter shows, Sildenafil
some want longer shows, some want less news, some want more BATTLE, etc.

So we decided as an experiment, episode 30 is going to be almost completely user-driven. Want us to do news? Post that heat in this thread. Got a topic you want us to discuss? List it in the forums. Got any genius BATTLE ideas? Judgments you want us to do? Janks? Feedback? New segment ideas? You know where it goes.

Not only that, we’re going to be streaming the show LIVE! for all of you to listen in.

Listen to the show as it’s recorded Live! In addition, you can participate in our Live! chat by joining the room “bdpelive” (no quotes) on any AOL Instant Messenger program. Also, if you’ve got something to say, you can call in by dialing 845-BATTLE-9 on any phone, or contact our Skype name “bestdamnpodcastever” (no quotes).

Head over to and click the “LISTEN LIVE!” button on the right to download the streaming file (lisen.pls), and double-click to open in iTunes (or other audio app) and listen in Live!

LINK: BDPE-Episode30.mp3

Sep 24





Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, salve
then start blogging!

This week BDPE’s got a very special guest! Andre Meadows, information pills
who some of you may know from his “Buy me a Wii” YouTube video, this site
talks to us about his love of games, treat
comedy, and his experiences as a black nerd.

Also this week, Jack Thompson announces himself keynote speaker at GDC, the ESRB says Manhunt 2′s rating will stand despite it sucking really bad, and Guitar Hero 3 makes Activision enough money to license a good set list next time – oooh, burn!

Judgment: Guitar Hero 3 (360, PS3, Wii, PS2)
Jank: Lost Planet Collector’s Edition
Quote: “I’m inviting him to MLK Day”

Check out Andre’s website and videos over at:

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

LINK: BDPE-Episode32.mp3″

No longer Best Friends Forever.Yeah, shop
so things have been sorta slow here at BHS as of late. But at least those of you subscribed to the feed have been getting new content every now and then.

Today we’ve got a new episode of BDPE I posted a few weeks ago, order
and I’ll be getting more stuff in the pipe soon.

On this week’s show Apple and Adobe continue their unending feud about the future of the mobile web, there
William gives us a quick look at the iPad, we take a giant dump on Final Fantasy 13’s terrible plot, level design, and progression issues.

Finally, if you’d like to discuss this week’s episode, hit us up on the forums.

LINK: BDPE-Episode63.mp3

Tuncer Deniz. The father I never had.THIS JUST IN. MAC GAMING IS NOT DEAD.

I know it’s hard to believe. Just ask Tuncer Deniz. But seriously, malady with Valve officially behind the Mac as a legitimate platform, maybe the Mac gaming industry won’t be limited to Magic Vines and Diner Dash.

Sure, I know what you’re saying. His Arabian Powers will quickly destroy BDPE and BHS. You’re probably right, as I often dream of Tuncer when I picture armageddon.

Also this week we discover that GAKIGATE has finally come to a close, we judge Chime on XBLA and Viva Pinanta: Trouble in Paradise, reveal the relatively unknown treasure of Shoot 1UP, discuss Infinity Ward’s designer shakeup, and finally get to some feedback.

Finally, if you’d like to discuss this week’s episode, hit us up on the forums.

LINK: BDPE-Episode62.mp3

Tuncer Deniz. The father I never had.THIS JUST IN. MAC GAMING IS NOT DEAD.

I know it’s hard to believe. Just ask Tuncer Deniz. But seriously, sick with Valve officially behind the Mac as a legitimate platform, maybe the Mac gaming industry won’t be limited to Magic Vines and Diner Dash.

Sure, I know what you’re saying. His Arabian Powers will quickly destroy BDPE and BHS. You’re probably right, as I often dream of Tuncer when I picture armageddon.

Also this week we discover that GAKIGATE has finally come to a close, we judge Chime on XBLA and Viva Pinanta: Trouble in Paradise, reveal the relatively unknown treasure of Shoot 1UP, discuss Infinity Ward’s designer shakeup, and finally get to some feedback.

Finally, if you’d like to discuss this week’s episode, hit us up on the forums.

LINK: BDPE-Episode62.mp3

Tuncer Deniz. The father I never had.THIS JUST IN. MAC GAMING IS NOT DEAD.

I know it’s hard to believe. Just ask Tuncer Deniz. But seriously, order
with Valve officially behind the Mac as a legitimate platform, viagra maybe the Mac gaming industry won’t be limited to Magic Vines and Diner Dash.

Sure, steroids
I know what you’re saying. His Arabian Powers will quickly destroy BDPE and BHS. You’re probably right, as I often dream of Tuncer when I picture armageddon.

Also this week we discover that GAKIGATE has finally come to a close, we judge Chime on XBLA and Viva Pinanta: Trouble in Paradise, reveal the relatively unknown treasure of Shoot 1UP, discuss Infinity Ward’s designer shakeup, and finally get to some feedback.

Finally, if you’d like to discuss this week’s episode, hit us up on the forums.

LINK: BDPE-Episode62.mp3

And stop calling me bitch.Alright, website like this
so we’ve started to fall behind. Hey, ed so what? Who the hell are you? Demanding content when we are cleary busy with other things. Screw you man. You’re an asshole. Click unsubscribe and do us all a favor.

Now that no one is left, health
we’ve got a holdover episode until BDPE Episode 62. It’s just Miller and Buck, and we’re keeping tabs on the the goins ons of the gaming industry. Fic may or may not be involved in a Superbowl induced coma.

This week we briefly touch on John Romero in the gaming industry (really?), and discuss releases and a quick wrapup.

Check out episode 62 for more hotness…

LINK: BDPE-Episode61p5.mp3

And stop calling me bitch.Alright, food
so we’ve started to fall behind. Hey, anesthetist
so what? Who the hell are you? Demanding content when we are cleary busy with other things. Screw you man. You’re an asshole. Click unsubscribe and do us all a favor.

Now that no one is left, we’ve got a holdover episode until BDPE Episode 62. It’s just Miller and Buck, and we’re keeping tabs on the the goins ons of the gaming industry. Fic may or may not be involved in a Superbowl induced coma.

This week we briefly touch on John Romero in the gaming industry (really?), and discuss releases and a quick wrapup.

Check out episode 62 for more hotness…

LINK: BDPE-Episode61p5.mp3

And stop calling me bitch.Alright, look
so we’ve started to fall behind. Hey, so what? Who the hell are you? Demanding content when we are cleary busy with other things. Screw you man. You’re an asshole. Click unsubscribe and do us all a favor.

Now that no one is left, we’ve got a holdover episode until BDPE Episode 62. It’s just Miller and Buck, and we’re keeping tabs on the the goins ons of the gaming industry. Fic may or may not be involved in a Superbowl induced coma.

This week we briefly touch on John Romero in the gaming industry (really?), and discuss releases and a quick wrapup.

Check out episode 62 for more hotness…

LINK: BDPE-Episode61p5.mp3

I drink money.The iPad is officially out, skincare
but the BDPE crew is skeptical to give it a full endorsement. Except for Fic, who’s paycheck is directly proportionate to the number of Apple products shipped per quarter.

Also on this week’s show we continue to gush over Borderlands, Microsoft continues to for you buy your games over and over, and Martin Sheen commands you to play Mass Effect 2. And apparently, the clan is back – lock your doors.

“Best Damn Podcast Ever is excited about the development opportunities available on the iPad. Including where you may or may not be able to insert your penis”

If you have any feedback leave it in the forums here.

LINK: BDPE-Episode61.mp3

I drink money.The iPad is officially out, page
but the BDPE crew is skeptical to give it a full endorsement. Except for Fic, order
who’s paycheck is directly proportionate to the number of Apple products shipped per quarter.

Also on this week’s show we continue to gush over Borderlands, buy Microsoft continues to for you buy your games over and over, and Martin Sheen commands you to play Mass Effect 2. And apparently, the clan is back – lock your doors.

“Best Damn Podcast Ever is excited about the development opportunities available on the iPad. Including where you may or may not be able to insert your penis”

If you have any feedback leave it in the forums here.

LINK: BDPE-Episode61.mp3

I drink money.The iPad is officially out, buy cialis
but the BDPE crew is skeptical to give it a full endorsement. Except for Fic, medic
who’s paycheck is directly proportionate to the number of Apple products shipped per quarter.

Also on this week’s show we continue to gush over Borderlands, Microsoft continues to for you buy your games over and over, and Martin Sheen commands you to play Mass Effect 2. And apparently, the clan is back – lock your doors.

“Best Damn Podcast Ever is excited about the development opportunities available on the iPad. Including where you may or may not be able to insert your penis”

If you have any feedback leave it in the forums here.

LINK: BDPE-Episode61.mp3

So handsome...iPad – “Our most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price.” – Apple

Magical? Revolutionary? Uh huh. Look at you. Thinkin’ you all big now. Oh wait. It is basically just iPhone Grande…

On this week’s show we discuss Apple’s new tablet and it’s ramifications for the gaming industry, prostate even though technically it wasn’t announced yet when we recorded this show. BDPE is just omniscient and knows about everything before it happens. You’re almost out of milk.

Also on this week’s show we talk releases, site
gush over gaming director Neill Blomkamp, go back to 2001 slash 1993 (looking at you Doom) with Serious Sam HD, and encourage Gordon Freeman to stop hanging out with Duke Nukem – he’s a bad influence.

“Her number was 555-245-7864. You typed FUCK YOU BITCH”

If you have any feedback leave it in the forums here.

LINK: BDPE-Episode60.mp3

So handsome...iPad – “Our most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price.” – Apple

Magical? Revolutionary? Uh huh. Look at you. Thinkin’ you all big now. Oh wait. It is basically just iPhone Grande…

On this week’s show we discuss Apple’s new tablet and it’s ramifications for the gaming industry, recipe
even though technically it wasn’t announced yet when we recorded this show. BDPE is just omniscient and knows about everything before it happens. You’re almost out of milk.

Also on this week’s show we talk releases, shop
gush over gaming director Neill Blomkamp, go back to 2001 slash 1993 (looking at you Doom) with Serious Sam HD, and encourage Gordon Freeman to stop hanging out with Duke Nukem – he’s a bad influence.

“Her number was 555-245-7864. You typed FUCK YOU BITCH”

If you have any feedback leave it in the forums here.

LINK: BDPE-Episode60.mp3

So handsome...iPad – “Our most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price.” – Apple

Magical? Revolutionary? Uh huh. Look at you. Thinkin’ you all big now. Oh wait. It is basically just iPhone Grande…

On this week’s show we discuss Apple’s new tablet and it’s ramifications for the gaming industry, medications
even though technically it wasn’t announced yet when we recorded this show. BDPE is just omniscient and knows about everything before it happens. You’re almost out of milk.

Also on this week’s show we talk releases, sildenafil
gush over gaming director Neill Blomkamp, ask
go back to 2001 slash 1993 (looking at you Doom) with Serious Sam HD, and encourage Gordon Freeman to stop hanging out with Duke Nukem – he’s a bad influence.

“Her number was 555-245-7864. You typed FUCK YOU BITCH”

If you have any feedback leave it in the forums here.

LINK: BDPE-Episode60.mp3

Someone owes me royalties.BDPE IS BACK! If I had a dollar every time I said that, sovaldi
I’d be making a living in a very unusual way.

In all seriousness, information pills
because of travel and all that family bullshit, the holidays alway seem to be a difficult time for us to record shows. Thankfully the annual alcohol induced haze from Thanksgiving to New Years has past, and more heat is warming up them pipes.

We talk about so much garbage this week I don’t even want to list it all. EA, the NFL, DJ Hero, Activision, and the responsibilities of being a large publisher. We also discuss good games MW2 showed back into first quarter 2010, and give an overview of today’s most influential titles in porn gaming.

Also on this week’s show we talk releases, micro-judgment Lego Indiana Jones 2, Dragon Age, Zelda Spirit Tracks, and Borderlands DLC.

“I’m gonna sign an exclusivity deal of my dick to your mouth”

If you have any feedback leave it in the forums here.

LINK: BDPE-Episode59.mp3

Someone owes me royalties.BDPE IS BACK! If I had a dollar every time I said that, cheapest
I’d be making a living in a very unusual way.

In all seriousness, because of travel and all that family bullshit, the holidays alway seem to be a difficult time for us to record shows. Thankfully the annual alcohol induced haze from Thanksgiving to New Years has past, and more heat is warming up them pipes.

We talk about so much garbage this week I don’t even want to list it all. EA, the NFL, DJ Hero, Activision, and the responsibilities of being a large publisher. We also discuss good games MW2 showed back into first quarter 2010, and give an overview of today’s most influential titles in porn gaming.

Also on this week’s show we talk releases, micro-judgment Lego Indiana Jones 2, Dragon Age, Zelda Spirit Tracks, and Borderlands DLC.

“I’m gonna sign an exclusivity deal of my dick to your mouth”

If you have any feedback leave it in the forums here.

LINK: BDPE-Episode59.mp3

Editor’s Note: We never actually had shownotes for this show.  And I’m typing this up in April 2011, look a year and a half after we recorded and posted it.  So I have no idea what we talked about on this show.  If anybody gives it a listen, send us an email at feedback at bestdamnpodcastever dot com, let us know what we talked about and I’ll update the shownotes.

LINK: BDPE-Episode58.mp3

So happy...Video games sure are a lot of fun. Shootin’ guns, glands
drivin’ trucks, stomach
realtimin’ strategies – there are so many ways to be entertained. But it’s easy to forget the video games industry is a business. And not just a business – a multi-billion dollar, ampoule
light my cuban cigar with a burning hundred dollar bill, global juggernaut of entertainment, business.

Bobby Kotick, current CEO of Activision, is one of those cigar-smoking, scotch-swilling barons that is stifling the creativity of the industry. Not only that, he’s making an ASSLOAD of that paper along the way. So this week we discuss the role of business vs. creativity in the gaming industry.

Also on this week’s show Miller EA tells Pandemic “It’s not you, it’s me“, Modern Warfare 2 censored in Russia – Zangief upset, and triple A sequels sell like gangbusters while original IP’s flounder (sorry Tim Schafer). We also review the new Xbox Live update with Facebook and Twitter, giving us something to do on Xbox Live besides waste money on avatars when we’re drunk.

“Every person in Russia is Zangief”

LINK: BDPE-Episode57.mp3

So happy...Video games sure are a lot of fun. Shootin’ guns, cure
drivin’ trucks, realtimin’ strategies – there are so many ways to be entertained. But it’s easy to forget the video games industry is a business. And not just a business – a multi-billion dollar, light my cuban cigar with a burning hundred dollar bill, global juggernaut of entertainment, business.

Bobby Kotick, current CEO of Activision, is one of those cigar-smoking, scotch-swilling barons that is stifling the creativity of the industry. Not only that, he’s making an ASSLOAD of that paper along the way. So this week we discuss the role of business vs. creativity in the gaming industry.

Also on this week’s show Miller EA tells Pandemic “It’s not you, it’s me“, Modern Warfare 2 censored in Russia – Zangief upset, and triple A sequels sell like gangbusters while original IP’s flounder (sorry Tim Schafer). We also review the new Xbox Live update with Facebook and Twitter, giving us something to do on Xbox Live besides waste money on avatars when we’re drunk.

“Every person in Russia is Zangief”

LINK: BDPE-Episode57.mp3

So may kodez...I done told you, arthritis
can’t run from this pimpin’ baby! Alright, generic
so maybe we’ve gone a week without content, obesity
but we’ve got a brand new BDPE ready! Don’t worry, I’ve been cookin’ up some heat for you guys…

So apparently, a little game called Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 came out this week. But you probably already knew that since the entire gaming industry is jerking off to it right now. Though this show was recorded a few days prior, we discuss some of the legacy and controversy surrounding it’s launch.

Also on this week’s show Miller babbles about independent software development, we can finally stream tentacle rape on PS3, and Nine Inch Nails janks Halo: Reach. We also review DJ Hero, where you too can chop pops, and Borderlands, Diablo 2 + GUNZ = Perfect.

“The plastic peripheral is just a dick that you suck”

LINK: BDPE-Episode56.mp3

So may kodez...I done told you, food
can’t run from this pimpin’ baby! Alright, seek
so maybe we’ve gone a week without content, but we’ve got a brand new BDPE ready! Don’t worry, I’ve been cookin’ up some heat for you guys…

So apparently, a little game called Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 came out this week. But you probably already knew that since the entire gaming industry is jerking off to it right now. Though this show was recorded a few days prior, we discuss some of the legacy and controversy surrounding it’s launch.

Also on this week’s show Miller babbles about independent software development, we can finally stream tentacle rape on PS3, and Nine Inch Nails janks Halo: Reach. We also review DJ Hero, where you too can chop pops, and Borderlands, Diablo 2 + GUNZ = Perfect.

“The plastic peripheral is just a dick that you suck”

LINK: BDPE-Episode56.mp3

So may kodez...I done told you, prostate can’t run from this pimpin’ baby! Alright, allergist
so maybe we’ve gone a week without content, but we’ve got a brand new BDPE ready! Don’t worry, I’ve been cookin’ up some heat for you guys…

So apparently, a little game called Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 came out this week. But you probably already knew that since the entire gaming industry is jerking off to it right now. Though this show was recorded a few days prior, we discuss some of the legacy and controversy surrounding it’s launch.

Also on this week’s show Miller babbles about independent software development, we can finally stream tentacle rape on PS3, and Nine Inch Nails janks Halo: Reach. We also review DJ Hero, where you too can chop pops, and Borderlands, Diablo 2 + GUNZ = Perfect.

“The plastic peripheral is just a dick that you suck”

LINK: BDPE-Episode56.mp3

Terrifying. On many levels.Blam, therapist
son. We know it’s a little late, thumb but here’s the latest episode of BDPE. No Fic this week, he’s out battlin’ sweaty nerds at a gaming convention.

So many good games are out at the moment! Even William Miller is playing games, so you know something must be up…

On this week’s show we catch up on all the latest news and pass judgement on Prince of Persia, Brutal Legend, and Batman: Arkham Asylum. We also wade through a few week’s of emails and give you our favorite Halloween games.

“All of you unsubscribe, you fucking assholes”

LINK: BDPE-Episode55.mp3

Terrifying. On many levels.Blam, decease
son. We know it’s a little late, but here’s the latest episode of BDPE. No Fic this week, he’s out battlin’ sweaty nerds at a gaming convention.

So many good games are out at the moment! Even William Miller is playing games, so you know something must be up…

On this week’s show we catch up on all the latest news and pass judgement on Prince of Persia, Brutal Legend, and Batman: Arkham Asylum. We also wade through a few week’s of emails and give you our favorite Halloween games.

“All of you unsubscribe, you fucking assholes”

LINK: BDPE-Episode55.mp3

Terrifying. On many levels.Blam, check
son. We know it’s a little late, order
but here’s the latest episode of BDPE. No Fic this week, treatment
he’s out battlin’ sweaty nerds at a gaming convention.

So many good games are out at the moment! Even William Miller is playing games, so you know something must be up…

On this week’s show we catch up on all the latest news and pass judgement on Prince of Persia, Brutal Legend, and Batman: Arkham Asylum. We also wade through a few week’s of emails and give you our favorite Halloween games.

“All of you unsubscribe, you fucking assholes”

LINK: BDPE-Episode55.mp3

Editor’s Note: We never actually had shownotes for this show.  And I’m typing this up in April 2011, case
a year and a half after we recorded and posted it.  So I have no idea what we talked about on this show.  If anybody gives it a listen, send us an email at feedback at bestdamnpodcastever dot com, let us know what we talked about and I’ll update the shownotes.

LINK: BDPE-Episode54.mp3

Get u some.HALO 3! HALO 3! HALO 3! HALO 3! Oh, salve
sorry. Microsoft PR has gotten to us. Also this week, Mac gaming sucks a little less, Iwata > Gates, FASA Studio = OVUR, and playing WOW until you DIE.

Judgment: Gametap
Jank: 360 Wireless Controller Adapter for PC
Quote: “Thumbs up on that woman, by the way”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.


Sep 12

William Miller's latest masterpiece.This week BDPE is broadcasting to you from Firaxis Games in Maryland, surgeon and we sit down with Ryan Meier, geriatrician of Sid Meier fame, viagra 40mg for a chat. We also help a listener cure cancer at

Also this week, Virginia Tech shooter inspired by the downfall of Sega, Sony’s pricedrop evaporates, and UNCUT Manhunt 2 headed to the Netherlands, like seriously, it’s not a marketing ploy.

Judgment: Pinball FX (XBLA)
Jank: Expired XBLA Jank
Quote: “Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.


Sep 4

William Miller's latest masterpiece.This week BDPE is broadcasting to you from Firaxis Games in Maryland, surgeon and we sit down with Ryan Meier, geriatrician of Sid Meier fame, viagra 40mg for a chat. We also help a listener cure cancer at

Also this week, Virginia Tech shooter inspired by the downfall of Sega, Sony’s pricedrop evaporates, and UNCUT Manhunt 2 headed to the Netherlands, like seriously, it’s not a marketing ploy.

Judgment: Pinball FX (XBLA)
Jank: Expired XBLA Jank
Quote: “Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.


Says it all.Gaming journalism blows. And nothing more clearly illustrates this than game reviews. So BDPE has decided it’s about time we FIXED them.

Also this week, condom
we’ve got another Battle victim, OMG 360 HAX, medical researchers wasting real money on virtual studies, and Uwe Boll > Penny Arcade Expo.

Judgment: Space Giraffe (XBLA)
Jank: Space Giraffe (XBLA)
Quote: “The pants go down and the butter comes out”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.


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