Feb 26
BDPE Episode 15
- Categories: Best Damn Podcast Ever
Yet through this darkness, there is light. A single beam of hope of things to come. Beneath the star of DDD, a podcast was born. It would become the BEST DAMN PODCAST EVER.
MacDudes was our very first attmept at podcasting. Originally intended as a spinoff of Adam Christianson’s MacCast with a humorous twist, the MacDudes quicly turned into the IMG Podcast, and later BDPE. It may be crude, but it still has the heart of BDPE.
It’s our 50th show! Soon we’ll start talking about the how the picture show used to be a nickel and demanding senior discounts at Gamestop. Also this week we’ve got Take-Two cut-n-runnin’, price
your brand new 360 is now last-gen, and a gaming journalism battle royale.
Judgement: God of War Mini Judgement, Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja
Quad Jank: Amazon Marketplace, Dreamfall, Sticks, Cheap MS Points
Quote: “I’ve told you a million f**ing times. It’s not f**ing Crispix. I eat Crispix every f**ing day. In fact, when I duke, I duke Crispix.”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9, or leave your thoughts in our forums here.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode17.mp3
On this week show we talk about both independent game development and independent game journalism, page
and how both are stifled by pretentious douche-bags and circle jerking. We’ve also got some great new contest entries!
Judgement: Crackdown & Alien Homonid HD Revisit
Jank: Alien Homonid HD for $10 on XBLA
Quote: “Look, allergy
I’ve seen Brian Crecente. And let me tell you something – that man is not attractive. He is ugly.”
If you have any feedback, unhealthy you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9, or leave your thoughts in our forums here.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode16.mp3
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Also this week the ESRB may have to actually start playing games, buy
a culturally insensitive look into japanese game development, and shocking new contest developments!
Judgement: Final Fantasy VI (GBA)
Jank: Serious Sam 2 for $7.99 @ Gamespot, Valentines Candy Galore
Quote: “So now you have to play this, or else I’ll have wasted five cups of rice”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode15.mp3

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