Jan 1
BDPE Episode 35
- Categories: Best Damn Podcast Ever
Judgment: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
Jank: Rez HD (XBLA) and Tax Free Tuesday (Star Package Liquor Store)
Quote: “It took me about 30 seconds to become an iPhone Douche.”
GODKILLER: http://www.deproductive.com/godkiller
BLACK NERD COMEDY: http://www.blacknerdcomedy.com/
Visit tbdpe.com for links to vote and donate.
– Lucas
LINK: BDPE-Episode38.mp3″
The next time you kids bitch about show notes, capsule
I’m going to take a DUKE in your mouths. Also this week, buy information pills
Final Fantasy 7 ported to the NES for the ultimate j-pop rpg crapfest, there’s terrorists in my World of Warcraft base, killing my liberty, and Take Two says “NO DICE” to EA buyout.
Judgment: Ace Combat 6 (360) and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)
Jank: I swear it dosen’t suck, Shadowrun (360)
Quote: “He’s probably ******** this sentence coming out of my mouth right now”
Battle: http://web.mac.com/pyoungxyz
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
LINK: BDPE-Episode37.mp3″
This week’s show is a little different – we talk of the STATE OF BDPE. So warm up your fingers to fire off those whiney emails! We also break down a few of the week’s top stories. While this a ‘mini-show’ of sorts, seek
fear not, drugstore
as we’ll be back later this week with another full length show!
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
LINK: BDPE-Episode36.mp3″
Editor’s Note: We never actually had shownotes for this show. And I’m typing this up in April 2011, decease
a year and a half after we recorded and posted it. So I have no idea what we talked about on this show. If anybody gives it a listen, emergency
send us an email at feedback at bestdamnpodcastever dot com, let us know what we talked about and I’ll update the shownotes.
LINK: BDPE-Episode35.mp3″

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