Nov 12
BDPE Episode 45
- Categories: Best Damn Podcast Ever
Releases: Fallout 3 (360, PS3, PC), Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (PS3), Little Big Tape (Little Big Planet for those not using Miller-speak), Guitar Hero: World Tour (360, PS3, Wii), Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (360, PS3, PC), Moto GP ’08 (360, PS3, PC), Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 2 (XBLA)
Judgement: Fic’s Gamerscore Masocism Fiesta 2000 continues with Pirates of the Carribean: At World’s End; Blake’s mini-judgements for Dead Space and he makes mention of Saint’s Row 2’s collectors edition extras; Miller’s review bonanza for PS3 (He only uses it for Blu-Ray), Wii Golf, Metal Gear Solid 4, Ratchet and Clank: Future (As we all know and have known, Miller hates games. Nothing to see here, move along.)
Jank:Portal: Still Alive (XBLA), GTA: San Andreas (XBLA), Duke Nukem 3D (XBLA)
Feedback: A few voicemails (Including a special someone) and a TON of crappy emails
Stump: Five Days a Stranger, Cadaver, Powerstone (Again)
Battle returns…2 contestants, both of which turn out to be worthless bitches.
If you have any feedback, you can shoot an email here, call the voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
– Spawn 622
LINK: BDPE-Episode45.mp3″

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