Mar 9
BDPE Episode 46
- Categories: Best Damn Podcast Ever
* Registering wasn’t working (for a few weeks.. whoops) [b]FIXED[/b]
* Posting youtube videos (type: [ yt ]videonumber[/ yt ] e.g [ yt ]vWdsdAdss[ /yt ] )
* DDDDDD’s are back (refresh your cache for them to come back)
* Some backend integration with the wiki has happened, recipe
I think that’s it. I’ll update with anything I’ve forgotten.
If you can think of any tweaks/features, please let me know and I’ll try and work them in
Editing. It’s a bitch. The process seems to be taking longer and longer each week, store and between two podcasts, prescription classes, and trying to steal money from children, my free time is next to nothing. So this week’s show is a bit late. You can cry about it with the other babies in the forums, or apply for a the notorious position of BDPE audio editor. Just check out this thread to apply.
News: FTC to Regulate Smurf Berries, Minecraft Coming to XBLA Thanks to DBAD licensing, 3DS Launch Details Unveiled to Ever Shrinking Nintendo Fanbase, Billy Mitchell Still King of Classic Gaming, iPad Rumors Run Rampant
Judgement: Dead Tape 1 (Multiple), VVVVVV (PC and Mac), Tiny Wings (iOS)
Also on this week’s show, when free speech gets too real, the responsibility to the sequel, and we throw out all collective human knowledge just because we can’t see empirical evidence of it.
If you’d like to see Beadle’s Birthday card, here’s the link. But be warned, it is beyond unsafe for work, or anywhere for that matter. And again, thanks to Super Derp for hooking us up with the BDPE Soundboard, check it out on the forums.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode68.mp3
Editing. It’s a bitch. The process seems to be taking longer and longer each week, patient and between two podcasts, site classes, and trying to steal money from children, my free time is next to nothing. So this week’s show is a bit late. You can cry about it with the other babies in the forums, or apply for a the notorious position of BDPE audio editor. Just check out this thread to apply.
News: FTC to Regulate Smurf Berries, Minecraft Coming to XBLA Thanks to DBAD licensing, 3DS Launch Details Unveiled to Ever Shrinking Nintendo Fanbase, Billy Mitchell Still King of Classic Gaming, iPad Rumors Run Rampant
Judgement: Dead Tape 1 (Multiple), VVVVVV (PC and Mac), Tiny Wings (iOS)
Also on this week’s show, when free speech gets too real, the responsibility to the sequel, and we throw out all collective human knowledge just because we can’t see empirical evidence of it.
If you’d like to see Beadle’s Birthday card, here’s the link. But be warned, it is beyond unsafe for work, or anywhere for that matter. And again, thanks to Super Derp for hooking us up with the BDPE Soundboard, check it out on the forums.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode68.mp3
Ahhh. I love the smell of a podcast I didn’t have to edit. In the morning. Smells like, anorexia
laziness. Or a delicious 420 calorie McGriddle. That’s all thanks to our new audio editor CraigReed! From now on, pilule
he’ll be helping us get these shows out to you guys faster. And by that, phthisiatrician
I mean until he gets angry at us and quits after like 3 months. You know like some other editors we know.
News: Nintendo Still Pretending the Boat isn’t Sinking, Notch Works on New Card Game – No One Excited, Visceral Games Works on ‘Something’, Miller and Fic Apple Nipps A-Twitter with iPad 2 Reveal, Bungie Likely Working on MMO While Shareholders and Fans Weep
Judgement: BulletStorm (360)
Also on this week’s show, we discuss sports. Which ones are fun, which ones are boring (looking at you baseball), and which ones need more GUNZ. We debate optical media, Blake again laments the loss of his beloved Dreamcast, and our listeners continue to terrify us.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode69.mp3
Editing. It’s a bitch. The process seems to be taking longer and longer each week, viagra 40mg
and between two podcasts, advice classes, and trying to steal money from children, my free time is next to nothing. So this week’s show is a bit late. You can cry about it with the other babies in the forums, or apply for a the notorious position of BDPE audio editor. Just check out this thread to apply.
News: FTC to Regulate Smurf Berries, Minecraft Coming to XBLA Thanks to DBAD licensing, 3DS Launch Details Unveiled to Ever Shrinking Nintendo Fanbase, Billy Mitchell Still King of Classic Gaming, iPad Rumors Run Rampant
Judgement: Dead Tape 1 (Multiple), VVVVVV (PC and Mac), Tiny Wings (iOS)
Also on this week’s show, when free speech gets too real, the responsibility to the sequel, and we throw out all collective human knowledge just because we can’t see empirical evidence of it.
If you’d like to see Beadle’s Birthday card, here’s the link. But be warned, it is beyond unsafe for work, or anywhere for that matter. And again, thanks to Super Derp for hooking us up with the BDPE Soundboard, check it out on the forums.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode68.mp3
Ahhh. I love the smell of a podcast I didn’t have to edit. In the morning. Smells like, sildenafil
laziness. Or a delicious 420 calorie McGriddle. That’s all thanks to our new audio editor CraigReed! From now on, sanitary
he’ll be helping us get these shows out to you guys faster. And by that, I mean until he gets angry at us and quits after like 3 months. You know like some other editors we know.
News: Nintendo Still Pretending the Boat isn’t Sinking, Notch Works on New Card Game – No One Excited, Visceral Games Works on ‘Something’, Miller and Fic Apple Nipps A-Twitter with iPad 2 Reveal, Bungie Likely Working on MMO While Shareholders and Fans Weep
Judgement: BulletStorm (360)
Also on this week’s show, we discuss sports. Which ones are fun, which ones are boring (looking at you baseball), and which ones need more GUNZ. We debate optical media, Blake again laments the loss of his beloved Dreamcast, and our listeners continue to terrify us.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode69.mp3
With William Miller absent this week for PAX, approved
Fic and Buck must tackle the issues by themselves. And without the show’s so-called silent glue, things get a little weird. I mean seriously, what the hell is an “Egg Baby” Justin Fic?
News: Microsoft Working on Next Xbox?, Serious Sam Spinoffs, Kids Still Catching Them All, Pricing in Digital Marketplaces, and Getting Old Still Sucks
Discussion: Gambling on Social and Mobile Platforms
We also talk about making your own Mame Machine, Justin Fic turns 30 and becomes a real man, and we get a phone call from a real-life sexy lady. Somehow.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode70.mp3
Weighing in at an hour and forty-three minutes, abortion
I dare say this is one of our longest episodes ever. With a mountain of news, feedback, and us getting sidetracked talking about the existence of god, this thing is a monster. Also, Blake has decided his is now made of gold. MONGLERS UNITE.
News: Miller hits up PAX East and turns is back on The Duke, Fic’s nips are all atwitter over Sword and Sorcery EP, Activision and EA mired in lawsuit hell, BAFTA winner’s announced – Peter Molyneux pretends to still be relevant, THQ investors flee after bad Homefront reviews despite decent sales, Jeff Gerstmann update – still overweight, and Japanese earthquake’s affect on the gaming industry.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode71.mp3
Full show notes coming soon…
News: Miller hits up PAX East and turns is back on The Duke, and Fic’s nips are all atwitter over Sword and Sorcery EP, Activision and EA mired in lawsuit hell, BAFTA winner’s announced – Peter Molyneux pretends to still be relevant, THQ investors flee after bad Homefront reviews despite decent sales, Jeff Gerstmann update – still overweight, and Japanese earthquake’s affect on the gaming industry.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode71.mp3
Weighing in at an hour and forty-three minutes, click
I dare say this is one of our longest episodes ever. With a mountain of news, viagra 40mg
feedback, Glaucoma
and us getting sidetracked talking about the existence of god, this thing is a monster. Also, Blake has decided his is now made of gold. MONGLERS UNITE.
News: Miller hits up PAX East and turns is back on The Duke, Fic’s nips are all atwitter over Sword and Sorcery EP, Activision and EA mired in lawsuit hell, BAFTA winner’s announced – Peter Molyneux pretends to still be relevant, THQ investors flee after bad Homefront reviews despite decent sales, Jeff Gerstmann update – still overweight, and Japanese earthquake’s affect on the gaming industry.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode71.mp3
Oh come on. It’s every sweaty nerd‘s dream. A full size Mame cabinet with all your favorite games from the golden ages of the arcade? But how do you make it come true? No worries, buy
Buck and Fic both have experience building Mame boxes of the own, order
and on this week’s episode they’ll give you tips on how to make a decent box. One that won’t find it’s way to this page.
News: Playstation Hacker Still at Large, look New Dawn of War Action Game, Vietnam + Magic = Great
Discussion: Mame Cabinets and How to Build Them
Extra Links: Nintendo Power Ad, Dorris Butterina?
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode72.mp3
You may have noticed we’re running a bit behind here on BHS, cialis but fear not! This isn’t the beginning of a multi-month slump – I’ve been moving back to Mississippi this week. We should be getting back to our regular schedule in the next few days.
On this week’s BDPE we talk about how Squaresoft has given up on creativity, Brutal Legend owns Activision, Best Buy selling new games at used prices, and Scratch is now officially dead. Plus we review some summer XBLA games and try to figure out why celebrities drive sales in video games.
If you have any feedback email us here or call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9. You can also talk amongst yourselves in the forums.
Just so we’re all clear, drugs
my face does not look like a brick in Mario.
On this week’s show we talk about smuggling pot in your MAME cabinet, playing with yourself in Guitar Hero 5, and recommend you all go pre-order T.I’s new MMORPG.
We also review the new Gears of War Dark Corners / All Fronts Map Packs, revisit Too Human (spoiler alert, it’s still balls), and finally learn why black people like Scarface so much.
Any feedback can be emailed here, or preferably call our listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, and post any thoughts in the forum.
Welcome to mid-July! Where the game industry goes to die a slow empty death. Kind of like a nursing home – we’ve had enough of your Vietnam stories grim-grim.
So the releases are slim, clinic the news is slow, angina
the battle contestant sucked, rx and I’m still unemployed. But fear not! BDPE has got you covered, with at last a full crew this week!
We recount some of our favorite classic games you may want to revisit during these slower summer months, give you some good janks on how to wisely spend those recession dollars, and tell you the things to avoid (good god why did I buy Too Human? I knew that shit would suck and I bought it anyway).
As always, if you’d like to donate hit up our little button below. Post any feedback in the forums, and sign up for next week’s battle.
Full show notes coming soon…
Extra Links: Nintendo Power Ad, see
Dorris Butterina?
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode72.mp3
Oh come on. It’s every sweaty nerd‘s dream. A full size Mame cabinet with all your favorite games from the golden ages of the arcade? But how do you make it come true? No worries, order
Buck and Fic both have experience building Mame boxes of the own, and on this week’s episode they’ll give you tips on how to make a decent box. One that won’t find it’s way to this page.
News: Playstation Hacker Still at Large, New Dawn of War Action Game, Vietnam + Magic = Great
Discussion: Mame Cabinets and How to Build Them
Extra Links: Nintendo Power Ad, Dorris Butterina?
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode72.mp3
Sometimes it is important to develop the finer aspects of your game: art direction, order
soundtrack, pilule
story, atmosphere, etc. Other times, it’s important to just CUT. Rarely do games ever get both right, yet somehow Sword and Sworcery seems to do just that.
News: Mortal Kombat Require Kode, Fighting Games Still Good?, Kojima now VP, New GTA V Deets, Nintendo 3DS Sells Like Gangbusters (Allegedly)
Judgement: Sword and Sworcery EP
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode73.mp3
Sometimes it is important to develop the finer aspects of your game: art direction, diagnosis soundtrack, story, atmosphere, etc. Other times, it’s important to just CUT. Rarely do games ever get both right, yet somehow Sword and Sworcery seems to do just that.
News: Mortal Kombat Require Kode, Fighting Games Still Good?, Kojima now VP, New GTA V Deets, Nintendo 3DS Sells Like Gangbusters (Allegedly)
Judgement: Sword and Sworcery EP
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode73.mp3
Some people like math. Other people like to drink. While Miller and Fic might fall into the first category, visit this
Blake falls squarely into the second category. And what a category it is…
News: Japanese Gaming Industry only Slightly Affected by Quake, Hackers Targeting Executives, Charlie Sheen Moving into Gaming?, Live Action Mortal Kombat Series, Burnout Crash Leaked, New NBA Jam Announced,
Judgement: Death Rally (iPhone and iPad), Nintendo 3DS Impressions
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode74.mp3
You get older. You get crotchety. It just happens. What was once your favorite franchise has now become hackneyed and trite. You try to keep an open mind, viagra sale
because it’s hard on account of your drinking problem. You start shouting at children on the street about the good old days when you could buy a memory card for a haypenny, and the only downloadable content you needed was the Sega Channel. Then you forget what you were talking about and figure you should probably go to the liquor store before sunset. That’s when the goblins come out.
News: SSX Deadly Descent nominated for worst title ever, GeoHot apparently still a hot news topic, Does Zelda suck now, Gaming too mainstream, Wii price drop imminent
Judgement: Torchlight (360/PC/Mac)
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode75.mp3
Some people like math. Other people like to drink. While Miller and Fic might fall into the first category, capsule Blake falls squarely into the second category. And what a category it is…
News: Japanese Gaming Industry only Slightly Affected by Quake, viagra Hackers Targeting Executives, Charlie Sheen Moving into Gaming?, Live Action Mortal Kombat Series, Burnout Crash Leaked, New NBA Jam Announced,
Judgement: Death Rally (iPhone and iPad), Nintendo 3DS Impressions
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode74.mp3
You get older. You get crotchety. It just happens. What was once your favorite franchise has now become hackneyed and trite. You try to keep an open mind, melanoma
because it’s hard on account of your drinking problem. You start shouting at children on the street about the good old days when you could buy a memory card for a haypenny, here
and the only downloadable content you needed was the Sega Channel. Then you forget what you were talking about and figure you should probably go to the liquor store before sunset. That’s when the goblins come out.
News: SSX Deadly Descent nominated for worst title ever, GeoHot apparently still a hot news topic, Does Zelda suck now, Gaming too mainstream, Wii price drop imminent
Judgement: Torchlight (360/PC/Mac)
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode75.mp3
NextGen. How long has it been since I’ve heard that terrible phrase? And with it the mountain of fanboy technobabble – polygons, mind gigahertz, look ridiculous touch screen wiggle controllers, drugs
and social media synergy. We’re one week into this and I already want to vomit.
News: Kinect for Netflix, Gamefly Lawsuit Settled, Nintendo’s Rumored Next-Gen Console with Tablet Controls, Sonic Generations Will Probably Suck, M-Rated Games Again Under Fire, Sony Discontinues PSP Go, Darkspore Might Not suck
Judgement: Portal 2, then we forgot about it. Oops.
Also, this weeks’ show was a bit of a doozy with all the NextGen goo dripping from every news story, so we’ll catch back up on Feedback next week. But keep em, comin!
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode76.mp3
Sometimes, doctor
things just don’t work like their supposed to. Like signing up for Playstation Network and 6 months later somebody’s using your credit card to buy two hundred copies of the movie Hackers. Or worse. Like doing a podcast with an incompetent cohost who fails to record his audio properly.
So, there’s no episode 77. Gone forever. Send your tears to the forums.
News: PSN Meltdown, Nintendo and THQ Profits Down, Burgertime HD Announced, Too Human Just Won’t Die, New Nintendo Console Rumors, Ubisoft Making Films and TV Shows
Discussion: The Zombie Gaming Fad
Judgement: Portal 2, for real this time.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
Editing. It’s a bitch. The process seems to be taking longer and longer each week, prescription
and between two podcasts, classes, and trying to steal money from children, my free time is next to nothing. So this week’s show is a bit late. You can cry about it with the other babies in the forums, or apply for a the notorious position of BDPE audio editor. Just check out this thread to apply.
News: FTC to Regulate Smurf Berries, Minecraft Coming to XBLA Thanks to DBAD licensing, 3DS Launch Details Unveiled to Ever Shrinking Nintendo Fanbase, Billy Mitchell Still King of Classic Gaming, iPad Rumors Run Rampant
Judgement: Dead Tape 1 (Multiple), VVVVVV (PC and Mac), Tiny Wings (iOS)
Also on this week’s show, when free speech gets too real, the responsibility to the sequel, and we throw out all collective human knowledge just because we can’t see empirical evidence of it.
If you’d like to see Beadle’s Birthday card, here’s the link. But be warned, it is beyond unsafe for work, or anywhere for that matter. And again, thanks to Super Derp for hooking us up with the BDPE Soundboard, check it out on the forums.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode68.mp3
Yeah, dosage
so things have been sorta slow here at BHS as of late. But at least those of you subscribed to the feed have been getting new content every now and then.
Today we’ve got a new episode of BDPE I posted a few weeks ago, health care
and I’ll be getting more stuff in the pipe soon.
On this week’s show Apple and Adobe continue their unending feud about the future of the mobile web, William gives us a quick look at the iPad, we take a giant dump on Final Fantasy 13′s terrible plot, level design, and progression issues.
Finally, if you’d like to discuss this week’s episode, hit us up on the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode63.mp3
You may have noticed we’re running a bit behind here on BHS, ampoule but fear not! This isn’t the beginning of a multi-month slump – I’ve been moving back to Mississippi this week. We should be getting back to our regular schedule in the next few days.
On this week’s BDPE we talk about how Squaresoft has given up on creativity, clinic Brutal Legend owns Activision, ambulance Best Buy selling new games at used prices, and Scratch is now officially dead. Plus we review some summer XBLA games and try to figure out why celebrities drive sales in video games.
If you have any feedback email us here or call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9. You can also talk amongst yourselves in the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode52.mp3
Ahhh. The Electronic Entertainment Expo. An overhyped circus where only the largest of publisher’s get noticed and mediocrity is given the spotlight. Kind of like a fat kid at a talent show.
On this week’s show we recap all the news from E3 and breakdown what’s hot, mind what’s not, and why Nintendo seems content to break their fan’s hearts time and time again.
LINK: BDPE-Episode47.mp3″
On this week’s (ha) episode, youth health
Blake and Fic discuss the deeper meaning of tube gameplay, Fic crackles his mic around a bunch and I have to edit it out so you won’t hear it unless I failed to do my job, Blake figures out how to play voicemails again, and I take a week to edit the show because I’m lazy. You’ll laugh, you’ll stop laughing and nod your head in agreement, and then you’ll laugh again at this quad-annual BEST DAMN PODCAST EVER.
Or BIG HOT SHO. Whatever.
And yes, that’s me singing at the end. Sorry.
LINK: BDPE-Episode46.mp3

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