Mar 7
BDPE Episode 68
- Categories: Best Damn Podcast Ever
* Registering wasn’t working (for a few weeks.. whoops) [b]FIXED[/b]
* Posting youtube videos (type: [ yt ]videonumber[/ yt ] e.g [ yt ]vWdsdAdss[ /yt ] )
* DDDDDD’s are back (refresh your cache for them to come back)
* Some backend integration with the wiki has happened, recipe
I think that’s it. I’ll update with anything I’ve forgotten.
If you can think of any tweaks/features, please let me know and I’ll try and work them in
Editing. It’s a bitch. The process seems to be taking longer and longer each week, store and between two podcasts, prescription classes, and trying to steal money from children, my free time is next to nothing. So this week’s show is a bit late. You can cry about it with the other babies in the forums, or apply for a the notorious position of BDPE audio editor. Just check out this thread to apply.
News: FTC to Regulate Smurf Berries, Minecraft Coming to XBLA Thanks to DBAD licensing, 3DS Launch Details Unveiled to Ever Shrinking Nintendo Fanbase, Billy Mitchell Still King of Classic Gaming, iPad Rumors Run Rampant
Judgement: Dead Tape 1 (Multiple), VVVVVV (PC and Mac), Tiny Wings (iOS)
Also on this week’s show, when free speech gets too real, the responsibility to the sequel, and we throw out all collective human knowledge just because we can’t see empirical evidence of it.
If you’d like to see Beadle’s Birthday card, here’s the link. But be warned, it is beyond unsafe for work, or anywhere for that matter. And again, thanks to Super Derp for hooking us up with the BDPE Soundboard, check it out on the forums.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
LINK: BDPE-Episode68.mp3

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