Jul 29
BDPE Episode 89
- Categories: Best Damn Podcast Ever
Judgement: Pokemon Diamond / Pearl
Jank: 360 HD DVD Drive for $72?, Saints Row and Lego Star Wars II now 360 Platinum Hits
Quote: “Blake Buck ain’t got time for weight loss. He’s a podcaster. A professional podcaster.”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
Thanks to your votes, discount
BDPE is the highest rated gaming podcast on Podcast Alley! But we’ll need more this month if you want that sexy Marathon video. Also on this week’s show, epilepsy
the PS3 still sucks, ed
politicians up in arms after the first GTA IV trailer, and a brand new contest.
Judgement: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Jetpac Refueled, Earth Defense Force 2017, Scurge Hive, Puzzle Quest
Jank: Earth Defense Force 2017 @ EBgames / Gamestop
Quote: “I love all manner of the arts. And beauty. My pectoral muscles are the size of watermelons.”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
It’s our 50th show! Soon we’ll start talking about the how the picture show used to be a nickel and demanding senior discounts at Gamestop. Also this week we’ve got Take-Two cut-n-runnin’, sales
your brand new 360 is now last-gen, and a gaming journalism battle royale.
Judgement: God of War Mini Judgement, Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja
Quad Jank: Amazon Marketplace, Dreamfall, Sticks, Cheap MS Points
Quote: “I’ve told you a million f**ing times. It’s not f**ing Crispix. I eat Crispix every f**ing day. In fact, when I duke, I duke Crispix.”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9, or leave your thoughts in our forums here.
On this week show we talk about both independent game development and independent game journalism, ailment
and how both are stifled by pretentious douche-bags and circle jerking. We’ve also got some great new contest entries!
Judgement: Crackdown & Alien Homonid HD Revisit
Jank: Alien Homonid HD for $10 on XBLA
Quote: “Look, ailment
I’ve seen Brian Crecente. And let me tell you something – that man is not attractive. He is ugly.”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9, or leave your thoughts in our forums here.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B A Start
Also this week the ESRB may have to actually start playing games, physiotherapist
a culturally insensitive look into japanese game development, and shocking new contest developments!
Judgement: Final Fantasy VI (GBA)
Jank: Serious Sam 2 for $7.99 @ Gamespot, Valentines Candy Galore
Quote: “So now you have to play this, or else I’ll have wasted five cups of rice”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
We’ve got a brand now show format to minimize the rehash and maximize discussion and the funny! And by the funny, tadalafil
I mean fart jokes. This week we’ve got the Metal Gear Movie (hopefully starring Kurt Russel), rx
Xbox Gamerscore points now get you more than just respect from your co-workers at Gamestop, prosthesis
and GoD games becomes Gamecock (insert penis joke here). We also discuss our favorite game bosses, read your feedback, and what’s this? A brand new contest?
Judgement: Sid Meier’s Pirates (PSP)
Jank: Sid Meier’s Pirates (PSP), Freedom Fighters (PS2, Xbox, GCN)
Quote: “Dude, Snake is not manly enough to be played by Kurt Russel”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
On this week’s show we’ve got eBay delisting my +10 bracers of critical strike, search
Girls = austrailian for gaming, hygiene
and Jack Thompson rides the headlines into a firey pit of dispair. We also discuss multiplayer gaming, noun
and pick some of our favorite multiplayer games (including meta games, like drunken Contra).
Judgement: Alien Homonid HD
Jank: Lumines Live? & $1 SNEEK KEENG
Quote: “If you play Contra, and you can’t keep up with the other guy, you are not a man”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
Sometimes these shows have witty descriptions. Sometimes they do not. This is one of those second times.
Judgement: Crackdown Demo
Jank: Rallisport Challenge @ Gamestop (http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=950515)
Quote: “Most of the time it stays in the closet just fine, pilule
like a furry suit”
If you have any feedback, anemia
you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9, or leave your thoughts in our forums here.
After a long holiday break, adiposity
the BDPE crew is back for the new year. On this week’s show we try to snake our way into the Halo 3 beta, sick
a lucky kid discovers boobies on his Madden tape, and Rare still sucks.
Judgement: Wii Sports
Jank: Sega Genesis Collection [Link]
Quote: “Oh I don’t like this! Go get me the Internet Crimes Against Children or Babies or whatever the **** it’s called”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
On this week’s show we delve into the world of role-playing games – the different types, side effects
the different franchises, prescription
and those oh so effeminent male leads you can’t help but feel a little attracted to. Also this week, ampoule
a Second Life realtor makes one million dollars in real life (BDPE still broke), another big budget sony title falls through the cracks, and the Scarface game > originality.
Judgement: The Late IMG Podcast
Jank: 2 Free Xbox Live Arcade Games! Use this code: XBXNG104 . Link: www.xbox360nextgennow.com/register
Quote: “Edgar from Final Fantasy VI was halfway to date rapist”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
The future is now! The PS3 and Wii have been released, try
my 360 can download HD movies, recipe
and the Doc says we’ve got to go back to the wild west and make a flying train. Also this week, more about
the New York Times bashes the PS3, gery goo covers Second Life, and PS3 = UNLIMITED TACOS FOR LIFE.
Judgement: Guitar Hero 2
Jank: Holiday Game Shirts
Quote: “I think I did more damage to my wrist in those two times playing Miserlou then fifteen years of furious masterbation”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
This week we’ve got the full review of Gears of War for Xbox 360. This game is so OMG awesome we almost forgot that it’s actually just sorta good. Also in this week we check out Team Ninja’s new game: Itagaki’s Intern Groper, click
Nolan Bushnell believes we still care about what he thinks, therapy
and Stefan Erickson convicted – Deitrich still at large.
Judgement: Gears of War
Jank of the Week: Oblivion Guide @ Amazon
Quote of the Week: “Either get in front of our animators and jiggle, or go cry in the closet”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, or call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
Ah, web
the arcade Beat em’ Up boom of the mid 90′s. Brings back fond memories of dank arcades, sticky buttons, and that guy who kept trying to show me puppies in his van. We’ve also got bad news for the PS3 (shocker), Jack Thompson and Bully, and something about game developer sauce.
Judgement: Luxology’s Modo 202
Jank of the Week: Mech Assault 2: The Lone Wolf @ Gamestop / EB
Quote of the week: “As soon as I beat off all the other sweaty nerds”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9, or leave your thoughts in our forums here.
Editor’s Note: We never actually had shownotes for this show. And I’m typing this up in June 2011, diagnosis
waaay after we recorded and posted it. So I have no idea what we talked about on this show. If anybody gives it a listen, send us an email at feedback at bestdamnpodcastever dot com, let us know what we talked about and I’ll update the shownotes.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode6.mp3
Alone in the Dark, stuff
2 hours of your life, stomach
Lowtax – what do all these things have in common? They’ve all been destroyed by Uwe Boll. This week we talk about video games and movies, plus we’ve got the News, Releases, the Judement (Rocket Slime and Cooking Mama), Jank of the Week, your Feedback, and the Cancer Rule. Quote of the Week: “I’d shoot God of War, and it’s just Blake Buck taking a deuce in the bathroom for two hours”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
The BDPE crew continues to tweak the show format, disease
and this week’s central topic is everyone’s favorite blue bomber, viagra sale
MEGA MAN. We talk this week’s news, discount
Halo the Ride, and Zero’s dark secret. Quote of the Week: “Nintendo Power is my church and my god”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot us an email here, call our voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9, or leave your thoughts in our forums here.
Harmonix going corporate, Japanese narrative and it’s role in gaming, and John Romero’s status as the biggest tool on earth. In addition we have a new section: JANK OF THE WEEK – this is where we bring you guys the best bargains on great games. Finally, we’ve ditched the liveshow in favor of our old format show – though we’ll still have a liveshow bonanza every once in a while.
Editor’s Note: We never actually had shownotes for this show. And I’m typing this up in June 2011, infertility
waaay after we recorded and posted it. So I have no idea what we talked about on this show. If anybody gives it a listen, no rx send us an email at feedback at bestdamnpodcastever dot com, let us know what we talked about and I’ll update the shownotes.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode1.mp3
Here at BDPE, health care
we love videogames. I mean, ambulance
we do a weekly podcast about them – it’s right up there with nipple slips. But if there’s one thing we love almost as much as videogames, injection
it’s taking a big steamy dump on the crappy ones. Sorry Duke Nukem, but this week it’s your turn.
News: One NYC Developer Shuts Down while Another Opens Up, E3 2012 Rumos Begin, Duke Nukem Forever Sparks Game Journalism Scandal, Steam Releasing Free to Play Games, Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Marks Watershed Moment in Japanese Game Development
Discussion: Duke Nukem Forever. And how unbelievably crappy it is.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode84.mp3
Sometimes, disorder
things get busted. RSS feeds, information pills
show notes, podcasts, etc. It happens. Sometimes even the BDPE hosts themselves get busted – like Justin Fic getting fired or Blake Buck getting evicted. These things happen, and can have a dire effect on the podcast postings.
But, everything appears to be running smoothly now! Though Episode 85 is forever lost to the ether, 86 is here, and 87 is right around the corner.
News: Bungie Supporting Indie Developers, Supreme Court Rules in on Violent Videogames, LA Noire Developer Team Bondi Under Fire, Tim Langdell Debacle Finally Ends
Judgement: Child of Eden (360), Outland (XBLA / PSN)
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode86.mp3
Full show notes coming soon…
If you have any feedback, read more
send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode86.mp3
There sure are a lot of games out there. Some good, shop
some bad. Wouldn’t it be great if you could know which was which? Here at BDPE, site
we don’t just lay down which of today’s games deserves your attention – we tell you what classics you may have missed. And starting this week we’ll be revisiting some old favorites and even hooking you up with some rom links so you can play along with us.
So, healthful
you’re like, welcome. Or whatever. Honestly, how do we even put up with you?
News: SquareEnix Sues Deus Ex Pirates, Nintendo Janks 3DS Technology?, Mirror’s Edge Sequel Rumors, Justin Fic Eats Cookies, Final Fantasy Rhythm Game Announced
Tapes: Shadows of the Damned (360 / PS3), Comic Jumper (360), Live Alive (SNES)
Homework: Live Alive (SNES)
Rom: http://www.fantasyanime.com/legacy2/live_downloads.htm
Emulator: http://www.zsnes.com/
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode87.mp3
These kids today and their Calls of Duty and quick time events. Just mash the button and watch the game play itself. Did ya mess up? No problem, shop
they’ve been making checkpoints for you every 3 minutes. Heck, nurse
Metal Gear Solid and LA Noire are basically just choose your own adventure laserdisk games at this point. Phooey!
Back in my day we played REAL games. Three lives to make it through the whole tape, help
and if you died, you had to start over! A game like that’ll put hair on your chest and hatred in your heart – the two things every growing boy needs. That and quaaludes. Damn I miss the 80’s.
And for god sake, will someone please make us BoneQuest: Terror on Rape Montain?
News: Battlefield 3 Gets $50 Million Marketing Budget, Team Bondi Developers Worked 100 Hour Weeks, Sony Commits $20 Million to Indie Developers, EA Purchases Pop Cap, Ex-Microsoft Exec Joins Gamestop
Tapes: Bangai-O Missile Fury (XBLA), Warioware D.I.Y. (DS), Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance (XBLA / PSN), Jamestown (Steam PC)
Also, you’ve got a bonus week to work on your homework, Live A Live on SNES. If you missed last week’s show, check out episode 87’s show notes for more details and links.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode88.mp3
There sure are a lot of games out there. Some good, phthisiatrician
some bad. Wouldn’t it be great if you could know which was which? Here at BDPE, physician
we don’t just lay down which of today’s games deserves your attention – we tell you what classics you may have missed. And starting this week we’ll be revisiting some old favorites and even hooking you up with some rom links so you can play along with us.
So, Oncology
you’re like, welcome. Or whatever. Honestly, how do we even put up with you?
News: SquareEnix Sues Deus Ex Pirates, Nintendo Janks 3DS Technology?, Mirror’s Edge Sequel Rumors, Justin Fic Eats Cookies, Final Fantasy Rhythm Game Announced
Tapes: Shadows of the Damned (360 / PS3), Comic Jumper (360), Live Alive (SNES)
Homework: Live Alive (SNES)
Rom: http://www.fantasyanime.com/legacy2/roms/Live_A_Live_[T+Eng2.0].zip
Emulator: http://www.zsnes.com/
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode87.mp3
There sure are a lot of games out there. Some good, anemia
some bad. Wouldn’t it be great if you could know which was which? Here at BDPE, ed
we don’t just lay down which of today’s games deserves your attention – we tell you what classics you may have missed. And starting this week we’ll be revisiting some old favorites and even hooking you up with some rom links so you can play along with us.
So, ascariasis
you’re like, welcome. Or whatever. Honestly, how do we even put up with you?
News: SquareEnix Sues Deus Ex Pirates, Nintendo Janks 3DS Technology?, Mirror’s Edge Sequel Rumors, Justin Fic Eats Cookies, Final Fantasy Rhythm Game Announced
Tapes: Shadows of the Damned (360 / PS3), Comic Jumper (360), Live Alive (SNES)
Homework: Live Alive (SNES)
Rom: http://www.fantasyanime.com/legacy2/roms/Live_A_Live_[T+Eng2.0].zip
Emulator: http://www.zsnes.com/
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode87.mp3
These kids today and their Calls of Duty and quick time events. Just mash the button and watch the game play itself. Did ya mess up? No problem, weight loss
they’ve been making checkpoints for you every 3 minutes. Heck, troche
Metal Gear Solid and LA Noire are basically just choose your own adventure laserdisk games at this point. Phooey!
Back in my day we played REAL games. Three lives to make it through the whole tape, and if you died, you had to start over! A game like that’ll put hair on your chest and hatred in your heart – the two things every growing boy needs. That and quaaludes. God I miss the 80′s.
And for god sake, will someone please make us BoneQuest: Terror on Rape Montain?
News: Battlefield 3 Gets $50 Million Marketing Budget, Team Bondi Developers Worked 100 Hour Weeks, Sony Commits $20 Million to Indie Developers, EA Purchases Pop Cap, Ex-Microsoft Exec Joins Gamestop
Tapes: Bangai-O Missile Fury (XBLA), Warioware D.I.Y. (DS), Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance (XBLA / PSN), Jamestown (Steam PC)
Also, you’ve got a bonus week to work on your homework, Live A Live on SNES. If you missed last week’s show, check out episode 88′s show notes for more details and links.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode88.mp3
These kids today and their Calls of Duty and quick time events. Just mash the button and watch the game play itself. Did ya mess up? No problem, cialis they’ve been making checkpoints for you every 3 minutes. Heck, thumb Metal Gear Solid and LA Noire are basically just choose your own adventure laserdisk games at this point. Phooey!
Back in my day we played REAL games. Three lives to make it through the whole tape, check and if you died, you had to start over! A game like that’ll put hair on your chest and hatred in your heart – the two things every growing boy needs. That and quaaludes. Damn I miss the 80′s.
And for god sake, will someone please make us BoneQuest: Terror on Rape Montain?
News: Battlefield 3 Gets $50 Million Marketing Budget, Team Bondi Developers Worked 100 Hour Weeks, Sony Commits $20 Million to Indie Developers, EA Purchases Pop Cap, Ex-Microsoft Exec Joins Gamestop
Tapes: Bangai-O Missile Fury (XBLA), Warioware D.I.Y. (DS), Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance (XBLA / PSN), Jamestown (Steam PC)
Also, you’ve got a bonus week to work on your homework, Live A Live on SNES. If you missed last week’s show, check out episode 88′s show notes for more details and links.
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode88.mp3
Sure, search everybody knows internet funnyman Blake Buck. Professional podcaster, patient
standup comedian, diagnosis and top pick of his graduating class for ‘Most Likely to Become and Alcoholic’. But few people know of his forerunner, the legendary Ben Buck.
In many ways, Ben Buck is like the beta version of Blake Buck. While similar at first glance, he’s not quite as quick, doesn’t have as many features, and is definitely more bulky. But then again, Blake is more often covered in bugs. At the very least, Ben Buck makes a fine substitute for William Miller this week, who is still trapped in a box of Captain Crunch.
Also this week, Justin Fic and Blake Buck reminisce on some of their favorite classic arcade games, and discuss how perhaps games today have lost touch with the importance of controls and innovation that defined the arcade era.
News: Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Announced, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record Announced, Darkness 2 Delayed till 2012, Ex-Irrational Games forms new indie studio, Ubisoft Embraces Used Game Pay Wall, Goldeneye 007 Coming PS3 and 360
Tapes: The Barcade / Mr. Do (Arcade), Galaga Legions DX (XBLA), Fry’s (not actually a tape) / Alone in the Dark Inferno (PS3)
If you have any feedback, send your email to feedback at best damn podcast ever dot com, call the listener line at 845-BATTLE-9, or head over to the forums.
MEDIA LINK: http://www.blakebuck.com/media/BDPE-Episode89.mp3

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