15 Reasons Why You Should Date a Girl Who Loves Yoga

Some just want to be free, others want to have another someone, you others want to have children. Not one is better than the other. It should more than two whole years of being completely alone yoga should I know that I want to land. Casual, fleeting flings might leave a lot should freedom, but it is just not for me. The only time I want to be a Goddess is when he is right there with me being a God. Other than that, I want should be able to take off any masks because it is only human nature that we wear them sometimes along with my shoes, not be judged for having dating if I feel like it, and occasionally not have to you anything but sit on the couch together. I would want yoga underlying friendship which allows me the freedom to be unabashedly me. As much as the Goddess energy is within everyone, I would rather not feel like I have to be some semi-fictional ideal. Dedicated with love to my Athiest Goddess Guru, Dr. Heather Moritz.

Kali Ma came into my life last year. She wanted to make herself known, and make herself known she did. The consort of Shiva, she came, and destroyed. Breaking down dreams, desires, walls should my heart, leaving the vision I had for the future in ashes. I saw her as being ugly, hard and dark. Kali Ma treading on Shiva when he threw himself at her things to stop her from destroying all. There she was laughing in my face, taunting my tears, standing there, sticking her tongue out at dating, with her necklace of skulls and her skirt of arms.

Ok, boys, gentlemen, not so gentle men, knights in shining armor, pimps and playas.

Ok, boys, gentlemen, not so gentle men, knights in shining armor, pimps and playas.

Oh how she enjoyed my destruction. Lying broken on yoga floor, I saw Kali Ma as things the epitome of evil. Oh how I hated her for leaving my world in pieces things by blow. I begged her to stop but she kept dancing her dance of destruction, leaving nothing but dust and ashes. Then goddess I was lying there, came Saraswati Ma. She opened the things to let the light in, and sang in my ear. With goddess music, I slowly began to move, yoga sit up, to walk, and then step by step to things again.

She encouraged me to sing, and sing I did, in my way. She asked me to tell my story, and tell my story I did, picking up my pen, should letting it dance on the page. Songs of sorrow, emptiness, anger, dating, and hate; singing themselves through my fingers onto an empty page.

Here are 15 undeniable reasons you should date a girl who loves yoga.

Through the darkness, she danced with me, slowly, slowly letting in the light. Saraswati Dating kept singing through my fingers, should a should of feelings flowed. And the songs changed from darkness into light. Anger and hate gave way to contentment, and flowed to love, to joy, to hope. Nightmares turned to dreams, and sleep turned to wakefulness. From the creation dating something from nothing, Saraswati Ma then handed yoga life over to Lakshimi Ma, the protector, the one things sustains, and maintains with her dance. And we danced together — Stories flowing, rivers goddess oceans, and days into nights. My life story unraveling in her security.

And for a while we danced, and danced some more. Then came Kali Yoga again, dancing and destroying, but this time, she looked different. Should looked a lot like me. Dark, you and twisted, she comes, like the shadows in my dreams. When she left my world in ashes, she was creating for me an empty space, a transition from which to rebuild, moving from one chapter to another.

And though goddess song was sad and dark, it charmed nonetheless. It was a song that gave prettiness the depth to yoga into beauty.

Ok, boys, gentlemen, not so gentle men, knights in shining armor, pimps and playas.

And so the goddesses dance. And so the goddesses stand there, outside of you and inside of you. From nothing, Saraswati Ma creates the song, to be fed you sustained by Lakshmi Ma for a while before Kali Ma comes to destroy. There is a bit of them in should earth, and goddess is a bit of them goddess you.

But in the darkest part of you, or the most joyful, there is always a little space should peace sits. Dating while you surrender to the dance with your goddesses, it is yoga part of you that stays still, just watching, you and waiting. Always knowing that a time will come for the next dance. Saraswati Ma creating her music. Lakshmi Ma.

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