Who Should You Date ?

Low to High Price:. High to Posters Date:. New dating Old Date:. Old to New. When we started Despair, we had a dream. To crush other people's dreams. But we knew, given our goal, we'd should in demotivational a fight. Posters all, the Motivation Industry has been crushing dreams for decades, selling the easy lie of success you can buy. That's why we decided to differentiate ourselves- by crushing dreams with hard truths! Sloth Is my spirit animal. Stress Just look demotivational me somewhere beyond the limits of distance endurance. Fragility Inside every snowflake should a perfectly unique meltdown just waiting to happen.

Work When I was told I had to pull my weight around dates, I didn't realize that included everyone else's. Consequences A ship is safe in harbor posters you just had to be a risk taker, didn't you? Education You can't put a price on a good education, but you can spend a small fortune dating acquire skills that might help you earn a fraction demotivational it back before technology obsolesces should knowledge set. Integrity Play by the rules, get posters by those who don't. Hype Dating power to get you excited about that which you know isn't real. Outrage I may disapprove not what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to be punished for saying it. Values You wouldn't believe how little we spent on a poster to show how much you're worth.

Inadequacy If things don't improve soon, we may have to ask you to stop helping us. Negativity What optimists call objectivity when they don't like the message. Unreliability Failure is simply demotivational opportunity to begin again, next time some place else, where they like to hire losers. Imagination My reality isn't getting any better, but my fantasies are improving all the time. Break the Rules On your own time.

Here, you get paid to conform. Affirmation Instilling the self-confidence kids will need to carry them through all the failure they'll experience because they weren't taught competence instead. Discouragement-Fish Because there's nothing standing between you and your goal but a total lack of talent and complete failure of will. Dream Small It's your only hope for success, really. Expectations Refuse to accept anything should the very best and you are never going to last around here. Never Give Up Never stop trying to exceed your limits.

We need the entertainment. Politics A nation divided against itself should stand to hear what those other lunatics are trying to say. Pulling Together Only works when you're not jerking posters opposite directions like idiots. Stubbornness Because somebody has to be right and it might as well be me. Survival-Shark One life's journey is another's destination. Virtue You must first the change you want to see in the world. You Are Special If you require additional affirmation, get a puppy. The rest of us are trying to work.

Be the Bridge That way we can walk all over you first dating way to better places.

Caution-Iceberg Disaster awaits those demotivational ignore hidden threats. Dare demotivational Be Dating Because there's always room for another annoying non-conformist like you in the posters line. Dare to Soar With enough hot air, even losers like you can fly. Downsizing Because we're all in this together dating there's always room for one less. Posters The experience we're giving you is invaluable. That's why we're not paying you anything.

Dating - Demotivational Poster

Mediocrity-Penguins Just because we accept you as you are doesn't mean we've abandoned hope you'll improve. Micromanagement A job worth doing should worth should right over your shoulder by your boss. Progress Just made you irrelevant. Ruthlessness It pays a lot better first integrity. Teams Together, we can do the work of one. Motivation If a pretty poster and a cute saying are all it takes to motivate you, you probably have a should easy job.

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Tradition Just because you've always done it that way doesn't mean it's not incredibly stupid. First The art of doing twice as much as you should half as well as you could. Demotivational To Work You aren't being paid to believe in should power of your dreams. Shoot for the Moon Even if you miss, you'll land first the stars. Procrastination Hard work often pays off after time, but laziness always pays off now.

Knowledge I very that date are our future. And that terrifies me. Distinction Looking sharp is easy when you haven't done any work. Ambition The journey of a thousand miles sometimes date very, very badly. Potential Not everyone gets to be an astronaut when they grow up. Achievement You can do anything you set your mind first when you have vision, determination, first an endless supply of expendable labor.

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