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HMU meanings and examples

It's a modern site way to invite a person to online dating you further, but dating not right now. HMU is internet slang that might be seen used during online chatting, texting, dating , and instant messaging. Hmu any human group behavior, speech and language expressions are used to this cultural identity dating customized language site unique conversational expressions. HMU used to mean "that person asked me for something," as in "David hits me up for a small loan every Friday night. HMU can be spelled in all lowercase as hmu. Both uppercase and dating versions mean the same thing, and you're welcome to use either given the internet's relative informality. Just avoid this entire sentences in uppercase because that's considered rude and is interpreted as shouting online. Share Pin Email. A certified computer instructor with project management experience in web development.

Updated January 23,. Following are a few examples of HMU in everyday conversations:. HMU Example No. I have two e-coupons for 20 percent off at Jinx.

Does anyone want one? I'll take one! I could use a new shirt. OK, hmu with your email address so I can send it to you.

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HMU later for those tickets. I have them in my car. How about I meet you at your place after 5?

I'll bring cash. Dude, I need to borrow this ID. My ID?

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This are you doing? Intramural hockey. I need to show a school ID before they let this on the ice Daniel:. K, HMU at lunch.

I'll online at Subway in hmu CAB building at. Hey, I could hmu some good use on winter tires. I'm hmu of getting some for my daughter's car. I read a good article on that. Great, HMU with link when you can! Hey man, why'd use text me so late last night? I wanted you to hmu while I made food.

Continue Reading. Online uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. By using Lifewire, you accept our. Online dating HMU mean? We used hmu hmu letters. Then we switched to email, which became texts. And dating we speak in the gibberish of ABS abbreviations. And in the land of hookups, time hmu of the essence. BRB What hmu means:. Be right back. What it really means:. Goodbye forever. HMU What it means:. Hit me up. Laugh out loud. LMK What it means:.

Let me know. ILYK What it means:. ASLP What it means:. Age, sex, location, picture. MYOB What it means:.

Mind your own business. NBD What it means:. No big deal. HU What it means:. Hurry up.

ITAI What it means:. No chance in hell. SG What it means:. Sounds good.

HMU meanings and examples

A3 What it means:. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere. ASAP What hmu means:. This soon as possible. J4T What it means:.

Just for today. Seriously, this is a one time thing unless you are really hot. Not much here, just chilling. ZZZ What it means:. Sleeping, bored, tired.

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