Which is sick. Styles drives to a quiet dinner spot in Laurel Canyon, at the foot of Lookout Mountain Avenue, onetime home to many of his Seventies songwriting heroes. He used youtube have a place around the corner. New location. Quick cut. Hard cut. Finding a table, Styles leans forward and discusses his social-media presence, or lack thereof. Styles and taylor taylor have a bittersweet, mature relationship — they spend a lot of time apart. I mention a few of the verbal Molotov cocktails Zayn Malik has tossed at the band in recent interviews. If I was sat at a dinner date with a girl, I would play some cool shit, you know what I mean? I want and make music that I swift is cool shit. Styles adjusts himself in his chair. Perched on his head are the same-style white sunglasses made famous by Kurt Cobain, but the similarities end right there. He even bought a carrot cake to present to Stevie Nicks at a Fleetwood Mac concert. She loved it. Glad she liked carrot cake. This much is clear:. You romanticize those people, sometimes out of proportion. You want a piece of that darkness, to feel their pain but also to step back into your own [safer] life. I had a really nice upbringing. I feel very lucky. I had a great family and always felt loved. Styles wanders into the Country Store next door.

He finds a can that looks ancient. The clerk rings up the snacks. In the taylor careful, deferential way, the young worker asks the question. We exit into the Laurel Canyon evening.

Styles turns, expecting more of the same, but this particular night denizen is on a different track. Talented guy. They share a silent and, before Styles walks to his car. He hands me the bag filled with English snacks.

The family moved to Cheshire, a quiet spot in Northern England, when he was a baby. His older sister, Gemma, was the studious one. Dating father, Desmond, worked in finance. I harry a great childhood. But in fact, all was not perfection, scored to a cool, retro soundtrack.

When Harry was seven, his parents explained to him that Dating would be moving out. Asked about that moment today, Styles stares straight ahead. Yeah, I mean, I was seven. Feeling supported and loved by my parents never changed. His eyes moisten a little, but unlike the young man who wept over an early bout with Internet criticism, a powerful moment in the early One Direction documentary A Year in the Making, Styles tonight knocks back the sentiment.

Styles is still close with his father, and served as best man to his mom when she remarried a few years ago. She has the greatest heart. In his early teens, Styles joined some school friends as the singer in a mostly-covers band, White Eskimo. It was his mother who suggested he try out for the U. The marriage worked. And worked.

You wonder how a young musician might find his way here, to these lofty peaks, with his head still attached to his shoulders. No sex tapes, no TMZ meltdowns, no tell-all books written by the rehab nanny? She brought him and his sister up incredibly well. Harry would choose boring over exciting … There is more chance of me going to Mars next week than there is of Harry having some sort of addiction. Winston, 35, the Emmy-winning executive producer of The Late Late Show And James Corden , abandons his desk and retreats to a nearby sofa to discuss his good friend. Winston, then a filmmaker and production partner with Corden, asked for a meeting, and instantly hit it off with the group. He became a friendly mentor to Styles, though the friendship was soon tested.

Styles had just moved out of his family home in Cheshire, an inconvenient three hours north of London. He found a home he liked near the Winstons in Hampstead Heath. The new house youtube two weeks of work. Styles asked if he could briefly move in with Winston and his wife, Meredith. For the next 20 months, one of the most desired stars on the planet slept on a small mattress in an attic. No one ever found out, really.

But he made our house a home. And when he moved out, we were gutted. Styles jauntily appears at the Late Late office. Winston continues the tales from the attic. Styles and I would like to see the girls that you would come back with to the house. Swift night was his tequila-fueled birthday party, filled with friends and karaoke and a surprise drop-in from Adele.

Styles finds a spot at a sushi place up the coast. As he passes through styles busy dining room, a businessman turns, recognizing him with a face that says:. My kids love this guy! I ask Styles what he hears most from the parents of young fans. The subject today harry relationships. While Styles says he still feels like a newcomer to all that, a handful of love affairs have deeply affected him.

The images and stolen moments tumble extravagantly through the new songs:. I just worshipped the ground she walked on. And she knew, probably to a fault, a little. That was a tough one. I was.

Spent 70 percent of my wages on train tickets. Little things. I smell styles perfume all the time. Their second date, a walk in Central Park, was caught by paparazzi. Suddenly the couple were global news. They broke up the next month, reportedly after a rocky Caribbean vacation; the styles was said to have ended with at least one broken heart.

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