May 6
BDPE Episode 40
- Categories: Best Damn Podcast Ever
In a special interview with King Boll, Uwe talks with the guys about:
How he got in to making films, Being f*cked over by Atari, Boll bashing and beating the hell out of his critics, Michael Bay, His dream production, Metal Gear Solid the movie, Grand Theft Auto movie, Postal breaking down religious and political walls, Video game journalism, Video game movies other than his, His fears as a director, The anti-Boll petition, and Uwe Boll: The Game.
Quote: “…I’m always happy to find somebody that’s thinks he’s not the Antichrist or something…”
A very special thanks goes to Wazoo for getting this setup.
Go here for the Pro-Boll petition
If you have any feedback, you can shoot an email here, or call the voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
– Spawn 622
This week on The Best Damn Podcast Ever: Big Daddy K is not happy about Metal Gear Solid 4 eating all dem CPUs, patient
Charlie Daniels is pissed with Guitar Hero 3, ambulance
Uwe Boll continues to ROCK FACE, and Blake is pissed that Myst Uru is shut down. The guys also (Sort of) announce the winner of the “Xbox Live Vision Cam Contest”.
Releases: GTAIV (360, PS3), Mario Kart (Wii), Iron Man (Multi Platform), SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 (PSP, PS2), Great War Nations: The Spartans (PC)
Judgement: Orcs and Elves (DS) and Professor Layton and the Curious Village (DS)
Jank: “Still Alive” (Rock Band), Some Halo 3 Nonsense (360), and Lost: Via Domus
Quote: “…William Miller lube up your hand and beat them nerds off hard
‘Cos hells broke loose in Georgia and BLAKE BUCK’s made of lard….”
If you have any feedback, you can shoot an email here, or call the voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.
LINK: BDPE-Episode40.mp3″
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