Jun 23

He's my hero.This time on The Best Damn Podcast Ever we get down and dirty with an update to Redline, pilule Garriott comes down from his high (He had to be high to spend $30 million to go to space), urologist THQ picks up the “Fiddy-Cent” game, Soulja Boy tells ‘em about Braid (WHOOOOOP!!!), Quick rundown of the DSi, Halo 3: Recon, the new Xbox Experience, Diablo 3, Little Big Planet, Gametap’s failure, Burnout Paradise WITH BIKES!!! Also, Miller’s fun time at the gun range and Fic banned from Halo 3. All this and more…

Releases: Fallout 3 (360, PS3, PC), Motorstorm: Pacific Rift (PS3), Little Big Tape (Little Big Planet for those not using Miller-speak), Guitar Hero: World Tour (360, PS3, Wii), Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (360, PS3, PC), Moto GP ’08 (360, PS3, PC), Penny Arcade Adventures Episode 2 (XBLA)

Judgement: Fic’s Gamerscore Masocism Fiesta 2000 continues with Pirates of the Carribean: At World’s End; Blake’s mini-judgements for Dead Space and he makes mention of Saint’s Row 2′s collectors edition extras; Miller’s review bonanza for PS3 (He only uses it for Blu-Ray), Wii Golf, Metal Gear Solid 4, Ratchet and Clank: Future (As we all know and have known, Miller hates games. Nothing to see here, move along.)

Jank:Portal: Still Alive (XBLA), GTA: San Andreas (XBLA), Duke Nukem 3D (XBLA)

Feedback: A few voicemails (Including a special someone) and a TON of crappy emails

Stump: Five Days a Stranger, Cadaver, Powerstone (Again)

Battle returns…2 contestants, both of which turn out to be worthless bitches.

If you have any feedback, you can shoot an email here, call the voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

– Spawn 622

LINK: BDPE-Episode45.mp3″

He can fly!Back in the saddle again, ailment Buck, and
Fic, Miller, and guest host of few words Ryan Meier talk about swindling money, killing animals (Keep in mind, BDPE does not condone this action….for the most part, maybe), the Gears 2 media blitz, Nerf guns, Dyack’s douche comments and lawsuit against Epic. Also, Burnout’s release on PSN and digital distribution. All this and more, so listen up and quit bitching about no shows.

Releases: Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty (PS3), Too Human (360), Galaga Legions (XBLA), Tank Universal: Challenger Eight (PC)

Judgement: XBLA Summer Blowout: Geometry Wars 2, Braid, Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Galaga Legions, Castle Crashers

Jank: The Club (360/PS3) and Blake Buck’s Tony Hawk Tower (Multiple Systems)

Feedback: Same as always, bad voicemails and emails.

Stump: Demon Rush, Return of the Phantom, Epic Pinball

Quote: “I dunno Little Timmy, you did rape a squirrel last week….”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot an email here, or call the voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

– Spawn 622

LINK: BDPE-Episode44.mp3″

Photoshop GloryOn this episode of the Best Damn Podcast Ever, site
we have the return of BATTLE. The guys talk about Gaki-Gate, pornstar as “special producer”, E3 press conferences and how they all sucked except some things at the Microsoft keynote. All this and much, much more on this episode of BDPE.

Battle: Do we have a new winner or did he fail miserably? Listen and find out. Then go HERE to see the results.

Releases: Soul Caliber IV (360, PS3), Legend: Hand of God (PC), Spectral Force 3 (360), Romance of the 3 Kingdoms XI (PC), Summer Athletics (360, PS3, Wii), SNK Arcade Classics (Wii), Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 (XBLA), Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm (PC)

Judgement: Gamefly (With semi-judgements of Bully and Alone in the Dark), Fic Achievement Whore 2000 (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Eragon, The Simpsons Game, Yaris, Aegis Wing), Jetblue, “Hanging from, and shimmying along shit…”

Jank: Gamyfly deals (Mass Effect, Ass. Creed, Devil May Cry 4, The Club, etc.)

Feedback: Tons of bad voicemails and even worse emails

Stump: Grow Game, Nerf Arena Blast (Much discussion ensues about Nerf guns. Say what you will, but THIS is the best Nerf MOD ever),

Quote: “…just because the man dips his wick, doesn’t mean he’s not entitled to his cash monies…”

Thanks Zappbrannigan for doing the album art.

If you have any feedback, you can shoot an email here, or call the voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

– Spawn 622

LINK: BDPE-Episode43.mp3″

Whurde go?This time on the Best Damn Podcast Ever, medical
the guys (Fic is still MIA) talk about PS3 updates, physician
60GB 360 with a 20GB price cut, ambulance
possible Halo game with no Master Chief, Rock Band cymbals, no PS3 price cut, iphone games, blah blah, social networking, blah blah….Just listen to the show.

Releases: NCAA ’09, City Life, Golden Horde, Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm, Wee Love Golf, B-Boy

Judgement: Unreal Tournament 3 (360)

Jank: WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007 and This

Quote: “….I like how my d*ck bricks women. They don’t turn on, they just sit there…”

If you have any feedback, you can shoot an email here, or call the voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

– Spawn 622

LINK: BDPE-Episode42.mp3″

Just as good as the real thing.After a break, tooth
the guys (Minus Fic) are back. This time they talk about Guitar Hero 4 nonsense, click MGS4 sales and the story telling skills of the Japanese, ailment and BLAKE craps on Monster Hunger. Then the discussion moves to Itagaki leaving Tecmo in true Itagaki fashion in the inagural edition of “GAKI GATE”. Puzo family sues Paramount for money over the crap (Despite what BLAKE says, the game is butt) Godfather game. They also discuss whether Spore will suck or not.

Releases: Battlefield: Bad Company, Alone in the Dark, Guitar Hero On Tour, Operation Darkness

Judgement: Devil May Cry 4

Jank: Gamestop’s Game Day Sales, lots of games on sale

Quote: “….Oh, this one’s got a little jiggle thing on it, put your finger in there and wiggle it around…”

And don’t forget, that BLAKEBUCK hates us all….

If you have any feedback, you can shoot an email here, or call the voicemail at 845-BATTLE-9.

– Spawn 622

LINK: BDPE-Episode41.mp3″

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